
Conference Agenda

As part of Stormwater Poland 2024, we have prepared

3 extensive thematic sessions, divided into 2 conference days

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

08:00 - 09:00
Speech and opening of the conference
Tomasz Grochowski - RetencjaPL
Bartosz Guss - Urząd Miasta Poznania
Paweł Chudziński - Aquanet
09:00 - 09:25
Do we prioritize detention, retention, or the utilization of stormwater?
Paweł Licznar - RetencjaPL
09:25 - 09:40
The Role of Collaboration in Watershed Management - a New Beginning in Wody Polskie
Joanna Kopczyńska - The State Water Holding "Wody Polskie"
09:40 - 09:55
Stormwater management in the future - effective and rational methods of treating rainwater and removing pollutants in the context of contemporary watersheds, illustrated by European modern projects
Karel Dohnal - ACO
Michał Wiśniewski - ACO
09:55 - 10:25
Debate: Retention in Practice!
Renata Woźniak-Vecchie - RetencjaPL
Maciej Pawlak - Hauraton Polska
Dariusz Kosiorowski - Amiblu Poland
Edyta Zalewska - Uponor Infra
Rafał Dudziak - ACO
Przemysław Dębski - Ecol-Unicon
Robert Uniejewski - Wavin Polska (Orbia B&I)
10:25 - 11:25
11:25 - 11:40

Session 1

Do we prioritize detention, retention, or the utilization of rainwater?

Response to this question requires clarification of terminology. During the conference, we aim for experts to precisely define the concepts of detention, retention, and the utilization of rainwater. Additionally, we want to hear how the introduction of solutions in the detention, retention, and rainwater utilization areas is rewarded when applying for new funding tranches to adapt urban drainage systems to climate change. It is essential to specify how, and with the use of which computer tools, one should reliably estimate the potential implementation of these solutions in individual watersheds. Naturally, we intend to link these discussions with inspiring examples of implementations of retention and rainwater utilization solutions from Poland and abroad. In the summary of the first session, we also want the conference sponsors to participate in a joint debate and try to persuade conference participants to choose their technological solutions for expanding detention and retention systems, including the use of rainwater.

Coffee break / Demonstration of the modern 3D scanning method using LIDAR technology
11:40 - 12:35
The mission of water utility companies in managing stormwater
Hanna Madajczyk - Aquanet Retencja
Marek Borkowski - Aquanet S.A.
Stanisław Drzewiecki - MWiK w Bydgoszczy
Patrycja Wolińska-Bartkiewicz  - ZWiK Szczecin
Piotr Ziętara - Waterworks Kraków
Renata Tomusiak - MPWiK w m. st. Warszawie
Ryszard Gajewski - Gdańskie Wody
12:35 - 13:55
Conscious and Comprehensive Approach to the Renovation of Stormwater Sewers as Critical Infrastructure
Marcin Motylski - Terlan
13:55 - 14:10
Increasing the retention capacity of the city of Leszno as a means to enhance the safety of the local community
Rafał Zalesiński - Wodociągi Leszczyńskie
14:10 - 14:25
Why should water utilities and network managers monitor stormwater?
Karol Mikołajewski - RetencjaPL University of Silesia
14:25 - 14:40

Session 2

Who Should Be Responsible for Stormwater Detention and Utilization?

Who should be responsible for rainwater retention and utilization? For years, and perhaps even over a decade, the discussion has continued about who should be responsible for the collection and drainage of rain or meltwater in cities. We want to draw attention to the fact that this question is further complicated as the scale of requirements increases. It’s no longer sufficient to just collect rainwater; on the contrary, property owners should be encouraged to manage it themselves. And if rainwater needs to be collected, for example, from road catchments, the challenge for the drainage system operator becomes how to manage it within the city and limit discharge to recipients. Additionally, it’s crucial to remember that stormwater drainage is critical infrastructure, and someone must take care of, for example, the technical condition of large-diameter channels under many major city streets.

These new challenges often fall within the competence of various city management entities. We want our speakers from cities of different sizes to share their experiences on how to practically solve this problem, who should do it, and how to finance such initiatives. We especially look forward to input from water and sewage companies regarding their mission in global water circulation management, including controlling the flow of rainwater. Like most of the industry, we hope that in the new realities post the recent elections, water and sewage companies will move beyond the issues of water and sewage tariffs and will be able to return to the comprehensive idea of providing water and sewage comfort for city residents. This cannot happen without addressing rainwater. Perhaps it’s worth paraphrasing the slogan of Aquanet S.A. and saying that: “By managing rainwater, we improve the quality of life.”

14:40 - 15:35
Water in fire protection
Małgorzata Majder-Łopatka - Akademia Pożarnicza
15:35 - 15:50
Rainwater in irrigation
Michał Dziobko - Drago
15:50 - 16:05
Funding for retention - a conversation with the Ministry of Climate and Environment and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
Piotr Czarnocki - Ministry of Climate and Environment
Michał Oleszko - National Centre for Research and Development
Anna Czyżewska - Narodowy Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej
16:05 - 16:40
For whom is this water?
Wojciech Falkowski - Ecol-Group
16:40 - 17:10

Session 2 cont.

The dinner will take place at Concordia Design Poznań; Zwierzyniecka 3; 60-813 Poznań
20:00 - 01:00


Do we prioritize detention, retention, or the utilization of stormwater?

The last decade has brought investments in rainwater retention and an increasing awareness of the need to adapt drainage systems to climate change in Poland. These are good grounds for considering the implementation of real rainwater management in the near future. However, this requires a series of further actions, including: greater care for the quality of rainwater, extending the time of its storage, monitoring its volume and quality, controlling its outflow, and developing standards for the in situ use of rainwater. The presentation will showcase initial examples of such solutions, as well as necessary actions regarding changes in: technologies offered on the market, engineering workshops for designing and modeling drainage systems, and legal and financial conditions.

The Role of Collaboration in Watershed Management - a New Beginning in Wody Polskie

Joanna Kopczyńska

The State Water Holding "Wody Polskie"

Dr. Joanna Kopczyńska was appointed as the President of PGW Wody Polski in January 2024. Previously, from 2018 to 2021, she served as the Deputy President of Wody Polskie responsible for Water Environment Management. She also worked as the Deputy Director for the state service in charge of the safety of dam structures, Sales, and Communication at IMGW-PIB, where she was responsible for coordinating the Institute’s activities in the areas of commerce, consulting, and international cooperation.

She participated in negotiations with the European Commission regarding EU funds for environmental protection, programming funds under various financial perspectives (Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007-2013, Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020, LIFE 2014-2020), and held important roles, including the director of water and marine affairs in dealings with the European Commission.

Dr. Kopczyńska chaired the Polish Delegation to the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) and served as the chair of the International Commission for the Protection of the Odra River against Pollution. She also held key positions in the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, as well as the Ministry of Environment.

Her career in public administration began in 2004, focusing on environmental projects funded by European Union resources (ISPA, Cohesion Fund). She is a graduate of Loránd Eötvös University in Budapest and the National School of Public Administration in Warsaw. In 2023, she obtained a doctoral degree in social sciences with a focus on legal sciences from the University of Gdańsk.

Stormwater management in the future - effective and rational methods of treating rainwater and removing pollutants in the context of contemporary watersheds, illustrated by European modern projects

In our presentation, we will discuss the current law in Poland regarding abrasive pollution, solutes and petroleum-derived substances in relation to the EU legal environment, we will refer to the results of in situ pollution concentration tests and the uncertainty of such measurements. At the same time, we will present modern possibilities of removing pollutants from stormwater using methods adapted to modern realities, and we will also show interesting cases of existing solutions in other European Community countries. The case study will also indicate the dependence of the designed pre-treatment line on the conditions of a given application.

Karel Dohnal


At ACO, a global leader in drainage, he leads a team of experts based in Tábor, southern Czech Republic. His main responsibilities include material innovations, the development of rainwater treatment technologies, and product management. His team’s priorities within the ACO Group involve analyzing the needs and practices of individual markets and implementing rainwater treatment solutions in compliance with legal standards and sustainable development. Karel focuses on the implementation of grey elements (prefabricated solutions) within the blue-green infrastructure in urban environments, considering their usefulness and benefits in a given solution. On a daily basis, he dedicates himself to cases where the integration of blue-green infrastructure is challenging to achieve, and he also analyzes foreign standards and regulations regarding the integration of grey solutions, providing qualitative frameworks for their application

Michał Wiśniewski


Graduate in Environmental Protection and alumnus of Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). He gained professional experience, starting with sizing wastewater treatment devices, through work in the water supply industry, ultimately taking on the role of Product Manager at ACO in 2020. He is responsible for the portfolio related to building drainage, separation and lifting systems, as well as research and development in this field. His main professional interest lies in the area of shaping surface runoff in urbanized areas, advanced methods of separating pollutants from rainwater, and sustainable water management based on the multiple reuse of water supplied to the catchment area with rainfall.

Debate: Retention in Practice!

This time, we won't be discussing WHETHER retention is needed, but HOW to implement it, as its necessity is unquestionable. In this panel, we will focus on the practical aspects of shaping a sustainable drainage system. Where to start and what data to prepare? Can equipment manufacturers be helpful before the implementation phase, and how? Is it worth sticking to one material and manufacturer? Practitioners, including designers, manufacturers, and contractors, will participate in the discussion.

Renata Woźniak-Vecchie


He has many years of practice in issues related to the design of sanitary infrastructure in urban areas: sewage disposal and treatment, rainwater management, analysis and hydraulic monitoring of drainage systems. She is the author of many scientific and popular science publications. He uses and constantly develops the acquired skills and knowledge, currently managing the modeling department at RETENCJAPL.

Maciej Pawlak

Hauraton Polska

The Head of the Technical Department at HAURATON Polska, he is a graduate of the University of Life Sciences in Poznań, Faculty of Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering.

Since 2012, he has been associated with HAURATON Polska, where he is engaged in technical advisory for designers and supports the process of product development.

On a daily basis, he collaborates with numerous renowned architectural firms and design offices on the most prestigious projects in Poland and abroad. His portfolio includes participation in projects such as Stary Rynek in Poznań, Bałtyk Tower in Poznań, airports in Warsaw, Krakow, Katowice, Radom, as well as Istanbul Airport and the Polish Embassy in Berlin.

As an expert in hydraulics, he participated in the creation of the HAURATON linear drainage selection calculator available on the Water Folder platform, based on rainfall data from the Polish Atlas of Rainfall Intensity (PANDa).

He has been a speaker at all STORMWATER Poland conferences since 2019.

Dariusz Kosiorowski

Amiblu Poland

He has been involved in numerous innovative projects utilizing GRP, such as a microtunnel with the smallest radius of R=90 m and the longest section constructed using microtunneling methods (930 m). Currently, he leads a team of engineers at Amiblu responsible for implementing GRP-based products in Eastern Europe. With several years of experience in concrete repair and protection technologies related to the Environmental Engineering sector, he advocates for modern solutions aimed at environmental protection and conservation of natural resources.

Edyta Zalewska

Uponor Infra

For many years, she has been active in the water and sewage industry. Her initial professional experiences were gained in the consulting sector (SAFEGE Ingenieurs Conseils Representation in Poland) as a member of the team responsible for developing the “Water Supply and Sewage Masterplan for the City of Warsaw.” For the past 25 years, she has been associated with Uponor Infra (formerly KWH Pipe), where she held the position of Industry Director since 2010, and assumed the role of Sales Director from 2015.

Currently, she is also a member of the Board of the Polish Association of Manufacturers of Plastic Pipes and Fittings, as well as a member of the Board of the Polish Association of Trenchless Technologies. In 2022, as an expert, she participated in the creation of the Sectoral Qualifications Framework for the Water-Sewage, Reclamation, and Remediation Sector. Her commitment to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility is widely recognized, evident in her numerous conference and webinar presentations. Recently, she has been actively engaged in discussions about investment process quality, striving to raise investor awareness in this area.

Rafał Dudziak


Product Management Department Manager and Project Technical Center at ACO Sp. z o.o.

Connected to Lublin since birth, where he completed his studies at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering at the Lublin University of Technology. Professionally active in the industry since 2013. Joined ACO in 2014, initially gaining experience as a Technical Sales Support Engineer, later providing support to designers as well. Since 2021, as the Product Segment Manager for Surface Water Management, he introduced award-winning products to the portfolio. Among them, notable mentions include the ACO Drain Multiline Seal-in system – known as the “Sealed Channel Above Norm,” or the slot drainage channels ACO Qmax Neo and ACO SuDS. As of early 2023, he serves as the Manager of the Product Management Department and the Project Technical Center. Beyond his professional sphere, Rafał is a passionate enthusiast of general technology. His curiosity about the world and deep understanding of the objects around him make him not only a specialist in his field but also an active observer and participant in the changing world of technology. His commitment to industry development and adherence to the highest standards make him a respected leader and expert in the field of environmental engineering.

Przemysław Dębski


Robert Uniejewski

Wavin Polska (Orbia B&I)

A graduate of the Szczecin University of Technology and the Executive MBA Program at the WSB Academy in Poznań.

For 26 years associated with Wavin Polska; held various positions in the Sales Department, additionally representing the company in PRiK (Association of Producers of Plastic Pipes and Fittings); IGWP (Polish Waterworks Economic Chamber); OIGD (All-Poland Economic Chamber of Road Engineering).

An advocate and enthusiast of innovative solutions and technologies, especially in the water and sewage industry, but also beyond it.


Coffee break / Demonstration of the modern 3D scanning method using LIDAR technology

Terlan Sp. z o.o., as a representative of the AQUANET capital group, cordially invites you to a practical demonstration of 3D scanning technology applied to selected structures used in stormwater drainage systems. As experts in trenchless renovation, we aim to introduce you to the possibilities of modern 3D scanning technology for pipelines, wells, and chambers in stormwater drainage systems using LIDAR technology. Various pipe structures will be scanned live during the demonstration, and the scan results will be available for viewing immediately after the presentation. This will be a unique opportunity for conference participants to practically observe the modern 3D scanning method, showcasing its capabilities and measurement accuracy. The only thing we cannot plan for is the weather and rain. Therefore, in the event of unfavorable weather conditions, the demonstration will be appropriately rescheduled. We look forward to seeing you there!

The mission of water utility companies in managing stormwater

Assuming responsibility for stormwater in a city comes with numerous opportunities, but also challenges. The challenges facing entities aiming for sustainable stormwater management are substantial. Sharing experiences in this field will help streamline past efforts and enable preparation for potential risks.

Hanna Madajczyk

Aquanet Retencja

President of the Board of Aquanet Retencja Company

Marek Borkowski

Aquanet S.A.

A graduate of the Poznań University of Technology in the field of Environmental Engineering. From the beginning of his career, he has been associated with the water supply industry. In 2021, he was reappointed to the Management Board of Aquanet SA as Vice President – Development Director. He is also the author of several articles in trade magazines and the co-author of the book “Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągowego” edited by Dr. Paweł Chudziński.

Stanisław Drzewiecki

MWiK w Bydgoszczy

From 2002 to 2012, he was a member of the Chamber’s Council, serving as Vice President from 2004 to 2006 and as President from 2006 to 2011. Additionally, from 2005 to 2006, he served on the Board of the Kapuściska Water Company. Since 2013, he has been leading the preparation and development of a comprehensive project titled “Construction and Reconstruction of Storm Sewerage and Adaptation of Storm Sewer Networks to Climate Change in Bydgoszcz.” This is the first project in Poland that provides the possibility of complete management of rainwater in the city using retention and artificial intelligence.

Patrycja Wolińska-Bartkiewicz 

ZWiK Szczecin

Currently, since 2020, she has been serving as the President of the Management Board of the Water and Sewage Company in Szczecin. Prior to that, she gained managerial experience in local and government administration. She began her career at the City Office in Chełm, where she was involved in the implementation of projects financed by European Union funds. Later, at the Marshal’s Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship, as the Deputy Director of the Department of Strategy and Regional Development, she was responsible for negotiations with the European Commission for the Regional Operational Program of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for the years 2007-2013. For over 5 years, she held the position of Deputy Minister of Infrastructure, overseeing the implementation of transportation projects co-financed by European funds. At the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, she served as the Managing Director of the European Funds Division, focusing on financial instruments supporting entrepreneurship, innovation, revitalization, and digitization projects.

Educationally, she is a lawyer, graduating with honors from Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. She is also a graduate of postgraduate studies in European local government law at the Polish Academy of Sciences and managerial studies at the Warsaw School of Economics.

Piotr Ziętara

Waterworks Kraków

the President of the Management Board of the Waterworks of the City of Krakow, who has been associated with this institution since 2001. His extensive experience encompasses various positions, starting from a specialist and progressing to his current role as the president. Piotr is a graduate of the Faculty of Management at the University of Economics in Krakow, and he holds numerous qualifications in management and information security. He collaborates not only with the waterworks sector but is also actively involved in academic life as the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Małopolski Water Cluster. His social commitment has been recognized with awards such as the Krakowski Dukat and honors like the St. Christopher’s Medal and the Silver Cross of Merit. Come and listen to the fascinating journey and experiences of Piotr Ziętara over the years.

Renata Tomusiak

MPWiK w m. st. Warszawie

The President of the Management Board of the Municipal Water and Sewage Company in the capital city of Warsaw S.A., Member of the Presidium of the Economic Chamber of Polish Waterworks, and Member of the Board of Aqua Publica Europea.
Since September 11, 2016, she has been serving as the President of the Management Board of MPWiK in the capital city of Warsaw S.A., the largest industry company in Poland providing water and sewage services in the metropolitan area. The company, co-managed by her, remains the largest beneficiary of EU funds in the sector of provided services and a leader in the field of modern water and sewage technologies.

Ryszard Gajewski

Gdańskie Wody

The President of Gdańskie Wody sp. z o.o., responsible for managing the drainage infrastructure of Gdańsk. Previously, the Director of Technical and Operational Affairs at Gdańska Infrastruktura Wodociągowo Kanalizacyjna Sp. z o.o. and the Project Implementation Representative for a major investment program called the Gdańsk Water and Sewage Project. Coordinator of the Green City Program within the framework of the Gdańsk 2030 Plus City Development Strategy. A member of the “Climate and Space” Expert Committee at the Ombudsman’s Office for Civil Rights. Coordinator of the municipal group as part of the initiative of the Union of Polish Metropolises and the Union of Polish Cities “Polish Cities to Ukraine”. A graduate of the Faculty of Hydrotechnics at Gdańsk University of Technology, an engineer with construction qualifications, and a Master of Business Administration obtained at the University of Gdańsk.

Conscious and Comprehensive Approach to the Renovation of Stormwater Sewers as Critical Infrastructure

Due to climate change, existing critical infrastructure for stormwater and combined sewage systems in cities is exposed to numerous operational and performance factors that were not anticipated during the design and construction phases. This results in existing stormwater drainage systems often facing static, structural, and hydraulic overloads. Therefore, the renovation of pipelines and chambers in the network is a crucial element in maintaining a smoothly operating system. In the presentation, we will demonstrate how modern 3D scanning techniques can precisely diagnose the technical condition of the sewerage system. We will discuss how to assess and design the renovation technology of stormwater channels and collectors based on accurate models. Subsequently, we will present sample renovation techniques aimed at improving the technical condition of pipelines without excessive loss of their retention capacity. In conclusion, we will also showcase the latest research and development projects from TERLAN in the field of stormwater sewer renovation.

Increasing the retention capacity of the city of Leszno as a means to enhance the safety of the local community

Since 2010, the city of Leszno has been implementing the Stormwater Management and Rainwater Sewerage Development Program. Wodociągi Leszczyńskie, in close collaboration with the Leszno City Office, make every effort to ensure the safety of the local community in the realm of stormwater, especially in the face of extreme atmospheric phenomena. In Leszno, Wodociągi actively support the idea of adapting cities to climate change, including the creation of rain gardens and retention tanks. The presentation will showcase the most significant completed and planned investments that contribute to increasing the retention capacity of the Leszno City area.

Rafał Zalesiński

Wodociągi Leszczyńskie

Graduate of WSB Merito University in Poznań (formerly Banking University). Completed master’s studies in Finance and Business Management, as well as a two-year Master of Business Administration (MBA) program. In his professional career, he has been associated with manufacturing companies with a European scope. He gained experience at Winkhaus Polska Beteiligungs sp. z o. o. sp.k. in Rydzyn, specializing in the development of technology and production of high-quality fittings for windows and doors, as well as modern access control solutions. Subsequently, he joined Werner Kenkel Sp. z o.o. in Krzycko Wielkie – a Polish, family-owned, modernly managed, and dynamically growing company, a leader among producers of corrugated cardboard packaging.

Currently, he oversees the multi-stage modernization and expansion of the Sewage Treatment Plant in Henryków (serving the area of the City of Leszno, Lipno Municipality, and Święciechowa Municipality). He is also supervising the construction of three underground retention tanks for general sewage with a total capacity of 6000 m3. The aim is to retain sewage and stormwater during heavy rains before they ultimately reach the sewage treatment plant. In the future, there are plans for heat recovery from buffered sewage at this facility.

He is making efforts to achieve energy independence to the greatest extent possible through investments in renewable energy sources at Wodociągi Leszczyńskie. Successively, photovoltaic installations are being commissioned, and the construction of a biogas plant is in the planning stages.

Why should water utilities and network managers monitor stormwater?

Why should rain monitoring systems be created and developed in cities? What does the installation of rain gauges provide us? How can we utilize the collected data? What devices should be chosen, and how should such a system be planned? What about the subsequent maintenance? During this presentation, you will hear answers to all of these questions. Information will be provided for those in the early stages of planning rain monitoring in cities, as well as for owners of measurement devices looking to enhance or improve their systems. We will share our knowledge and experience gained from installing measurement devices in numerous Polish cities.


Water in fire protection

Water is the most commonly used firefighting agent. Ensuring a continuous and adequate supply of water is a necessary condition for the effective execution of firefighting and rescue operations. The water carried in firefighting vehicles may not always constitute a sufficient quantity of firefighting agent. Therefore, owners of certain facilities classified as public and production-warehouse buildings are obligated to provide water for external fire suppression. What can serve as a source of this water? This is a topic worth discussing.

Funding for retention - a conversation with the Ministry of Climate and Environment and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

During the debate at the Stormwater Poland 2024 conference, we will discuss key issues related to retention financing, sustainable stormwater management systems, and green-blue infrastructure. Representatives from the Ministry of Climate and Environment, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, and the National Centre for Research and Development will participate in the discussion. We will talk about co-financing possibilities from the FEnIK and FEPW programs and provide a summary of past calls for proposals and future plans, including support conditions. Additionally, we will present our experiences with implementing "Home Retention Technologies" and "Future Sewage Treatment Plants." We will also discuss planned Technical Dialogues in the context of future initiatives related to the FENG Perspective. Furthermore, we will engage in a discussion regarding the implementation of revitalization concepts for five key quarters in Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, Lodz, and Rzeszow as part of the NEEST Project (NetZero Emissions and Environmentally Sustainable Territories).

Piotr Czarnocki

Ministry of Climate and Environment

He has many years of experience as an expert in the Ministry of the Environment in the implementation of large ISPA projects (Instrument for Structural Pre-Accession Policy), Structural Funds, the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program, including in particular projects in the water and sewage sector, as well as in the implementation and creation of climate policy in Poland, including in the field of rainwater management.

Michał Oleszko

National Centre for Research and Development

Graduate of the MBA for Engineers and Entrepreneurs program at Leon Koźmiński Academy, master’s studies in Hydrotechnics and Geoinformatics at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering of the Cracow University of Technology, and bachelor’s studies in Sanitary Installations and Networks at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering of the Lublin University of Technology.

Since 2020, he has been conducting the “Home Retention Technologies” project at NCBR, funded by the European Funds under the Smart Development Program. In this project, private entities conduct research on the technology of storing and purifying rainwater, greywater, and blackwater in closed-loop systems, aiming to protect groundwater resources.

He gained previous project management experience in executive positions during the construction of wastewater treatment plants, water treatment stations, and rainwater management infrastructure for office buildings in Warsaw.

Anna Czyżewska

Narodowy Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej

Deputy Director of the Department for Water Protection and Climate Adaptation – National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. A graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology – Faculty of Sanitary and Water Engineering, specializing in environmental engineering.

For whom is this water?

The discussion on "For Whom is This Water" is an attempt to find answers on how society and policymakers can change their approach to water to effectively care for its resources. Who and how should manage it to protect water as a source of long-term development for Poland and its society? Should the use of water be subordinated to economic goals, or conversely, should economic goals be subordinated to the requirements of protecting the aquatic ecosystem? "For Whom is This Water" is also a question about "what kind of Poland will this be."

The dinner will take place at Concordia Design Poznań; Zwierzyniecka 3; 60-813 Poznań



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